Over the coming months the group will continue with their regular jobs of weeding gardens, tidying tee blocks and clearing sticks and debris on the course but also have a few more major jobs planned. The 1st tee block and surrounding path and amenities will be altered and tidied up to make it more befitting of a 1st hole tee block. The paving from the clubhouse to the wash bay will be fixed and the wash bay area altered to make it simpler and easier to use this area and improve the drainage around it, whilst the 4th and 10th tee blocks will also be altered to tidy up the pathways and ensure the drainage around them is fixed.
All of these jobs require a lot of effort on behalf of the volunteers and the committee thanks them for their time and effort. If you can spare any time on a Tuesday morning there is always room for another helper. For more information contact Alan Horsfall on 0409 094 956 or email him at [email protected]. The volunteers meet most Tuesdays at 9:00 am.