Local Rules
1. OUT OF BOUNDS: Defined by course boundary fences or white posts.
2. SCREENS, STAKED TREES, FAIRWAY PEGS, SPRINKLERS AND BRICK RETAINING WALLS: To be treated as immovable obstructions in accordance with rule 24-2b.
3. STONES, CRACKS, DRAINS AND WHEEL MARKS (made by tractor, mower or motor vehicle): May be treated as G.U.R.
4. HAZARDS: Water hazards are defined by yellow markers, lateral water hazards are defined by red markers. All hazard markers are Movable Obstructions.
5. GROUND UNDER REPAIR (G.U.R): Relief - the ball must be lifted and dropped without penalty within one club length from the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole.
6. PLUGGED BALL: Anywhere on the course (except in a hazard) the ball may be lifted, cleaned and dropped within one club length no nearer the hole without penalty.
7. HOOPS: Hoops are to be treated as Movable Obstructions and relief MAY be taken in accordance with Rule 24-1. If a ball hits a hoop it MUST be played as it lies (the shot can no longer be replayed). If the hoops are in the intended line of play they may be removed.
8. DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: For all play at this course a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only.
9. ACCIDENTAL MOVEMENT OF A BALL ON THE GREEN: When a player’s ball is at rest on (or has been lifted from) the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved by the player, partner, opponent or any of their caddies or equipment. The moved ball or ball-marker must be replaced. (Note: If the ball was moved as a result of wind, water or some other natural cause such as the effect of gravity, the ball must be played as it lies from its new location with no penalty.)
2. SCREENS, STAKED TREES, FAIRWAY PEGS, SPRINKLERS AND BRICK RETAINING WALLS: To be treated as immovable obstructions in accordance with rule 24-2b.
3. STONES, CRACKS, DRAINS AND WHEEL MARKS (made by tractor, mower or motor vehicle): May be treated as G.U.R.
4. HAZARDS: Water hazards are defined by yellow markers, lateral water hazards are defined by red markers. All hazard markers are Movable Obstructions.
5. GROUND UNDER REPAIR (G.U.R): Relief - the ball must be lifted and dropped without penalty within one club length from the nearest point of relief not nearer the hole.
6. PLUGGED BALL: Anywhere on the course (except in a hazard) the ball may be lifted, cleaned and dropped within one club length no nearer the hole without penalty.
7. HOOPS: Hoops are to be treated as Movable Obstructions and relief MAY be taken in accordance with Rule 24-1. If a ball hits a hoop it MUST be played as it lies (the shot can no longer be replayed). If the hoops are in the intended line of play they may be removed.
8. DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: For all play at this course a player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only.
9. ACCIDENTAL MOVEMENT OF A BALL ON THE GREEN: When a player’s ball is at rest on (or has been lifted from) the putting green, there is no penalty if the ball or ball-marker is accidentally moved by the player, partner, opponent or any of their caddies or equipment. The moved ball or ball-marker must be replaced. (Note: If the ball was moved as a result of wind, water or some other natural cause such as the effect of gravity, the ball must be played as it lies from its new location with no penalty.)
Penalty for breach of local rules:
Stroke Play - 2 strokes. Match Play - Loss of hole.
Stroke Play - 2 strokes. Match Play - Loss of hole.
Temporary Local Rules
1. MUD RULE: Any ball lying though the green, with mud adhering to it, may be lifted, cleaned and replaced without penalty. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having been lifted it must then be placed back within one card length of where it originally lay. Once done so the ball is in play and cannot be lifted again.
2. CORE HOLES: On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation.
1. MUD RULE: Any ball lying though the green, with mud adhering to it, may be lifted, cleaned and replaced without penalty. Before lifting the ball, the player must mark its position. Having been lifted it must then be placed back within one card length of where it originally lay. Once done so the ball is in play and cannot be lifted again.
2. CORE HOLES: On the putting green, a ball that comes to rest in or on an aeration hole may be placed at the nearest spot not nearer the hole that avoids the situation.
Penalty for breach of temporary local rules:
Stroke Play - 2 strokes. Match Play - Loss of hole.
Stroke Play - 2 strokes. Match Play - Loss of hole.