Club Championships
The Club Championships have been moved to February - March so that they are impacted less by a prolonged winter and the coring of the greens as well as being a time of year where the course is looking its best. Qualifying will be on the 9th and 16th February with finals to be held on the 23rd February, 2nd March and 9th March.
Handicap Matchplay
The movement of the Club Championships has necessitated a move to the Handicap Matchplay event too with these two events essentially swapping times.
Foursomes Championships & 2 Man Ambrose
A flow on affect from the above has also resulted in the Foursomes Championships being held slightly earlier than normal in early January whilst the 2 Man Ambrose will be held slightly later in early March.
Thursday Competitions
After some member feedback requesting some variation in the competitions held on a Thursday some changes have been made to the standard stableford events on Thursday with some changed to Par competitions as well as running a couple of team based events in the form of aggregate airs competitions, which still have an individual stableford component.
Presentation Night
This will continue to be held at its new time of late March however this will better align with the end of the season and finish of the Club Championships.
Pink Shirt Day
The Pink Shirt Day where funds are raised for Breast Cancer and members are encouraged to where a pink shirt when they play will be held off the Red tee markers for all players.
2018-19 Program