Variations made to next seasons program are summarised below:
1. The majority of trophy rounds are now multi round events (either 2 or 3 rounds). This is designed to make these trophies more prestigious as they require the winner to have had multiple good rounds.
2. There are two new trophies:
- The "Blue Block Challenge". Three stableford competitions during the year will be held off the blue blocks and the winner of the Blue Block Challenge will be the player with the best aggregate points total over these three events.
- The "Public Holiday Trohpy". There are 7 (stableford) events programmed for various public holidays during the year. A separate competition will be held on each day (much like a normal Saturday or Thursday competition) as we regularly have a number of members playing on these public holidays. The trophy winner will be the player with the highest aggregate counting their best 3 scores over these events.
3. The Foursomes Championships will be permanently brought forward into February. This change commenced in this years program and included holding a matchplay final to determine the net winners along with the regular matchplay event for the gross winners. The matchplay component will be altered for 2016-17 to a top 2 gross AND net qualification with a 36 hole gross final and 27 hole net final to be played.
This alteration also allows the handicap matchplay competition to be brought forward so that we have (a) better conditions for this competition and (b) it leads into, rather than overlaps with, the mens pennants season.
4. Finally the stroke competition for Thursday mid week competition will be moved from the FIRST Thursday each month to the THIRD Thursday each month. This change is aimed to better mix the competitions on a weekly basis and avoid the overlap of holding a stroke competition on a Thursday followed by a monthly medal competition on the following Saturday.
2016-17 Program
- Match Committee